They Are Still on A Journey

I had to think this through. Recently, I’ve been adding books on my “recommended” page. Honestly, I’ve been like that frog that was slowly boiled to death. Is it acceptable to say someone who stopped restricting their eating and now “eats healthy and exercises but would like to be thinner and yet doesn’t hate themselves” is truly a positive representation of fat people? It is not. Inside, there is something insidious, something telling people that they must sweat as punishment for the “wrong” food. They still eat in excess after trying to eat “healthy.” This yo-yo-ing not only happens with weight, but within a person’s heart. You are a worthy human being because you exist, and not because you eat or exercise “right.” Here are some books in which the author or character is on a journey to self-acceptance, and may think they have arrived, but zooming out suggests they have not.