Once a Goddess: Virtual Book Tour


For the sake of peace, Brigid of the supernatural Túatha dé Danann enters into an arranged marriage with Bres, the next chieftain of the enemy Fomorian tribe, whose iron weapons and brute strength challenge Danann magic. Brigid is told to spy for her people, and to keep the source of their powers secret, dangerous tasks that complicate her desire of making the best of her forced union.

Sacrificing her own hope for love, Brigid faces the Fomorians alone. She must confront her rival, Morrigan, who tries to manipulate the tribe against her. At the same time, Brigid suspects that Bres is breaking the truce for reasons she doesn’t understand. When his tyranny threatens the very existence of the Danann, Brigid has no choice but to risk her life in order to save her people.
Set in a time when myths were reality, Once A Goddess brings the legend of Ireland’s magical Túatha dé Danann to life.


Monday: Stop at TNBBC blog where Sheila takes part in the “Where Writers Write” feature.

Tuesday: Head over to The Book Cove for an interview focused on the content of Once a Goddess.

Wednesday: The blog Kelly Smith Reviews hosts the tour, and you can read an excerpt of Once a Goddess and read insights into some of Sheila’s decisions for the novel.

Thursday: Limelight Literature welcomes Sheila’s explanations of the two Brigids that exist: Brigid in Christianity and Brigid pre-Christianity.

Friday: The tour ends at JMWW where Sheila describes what it’s like having her book labeled too fantasy for literature, and too literary for fantasy!

Sheila Lamb received an MFA in Creative Writing  from Queens University of Charlotte and an M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction from George Mason University. Her stories have earned Pushcart and storySouth Million Writers Award nominations. She’s also the journal editor for Santa Fe Writers Project.

Sheila has traveled  throughout Ireland and participated in the Achill Archaeology Field School. She loves Irish history, family genealogy, and is easily distracted by primary source documents. She lives, teaches, and writes in the mountains of Virginia.


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